Dear Mr Peston

Dear Mr Peston

I would like to directly address issues in your Facebook post on 27th September 2017


More specifically, firstly, I would like to address this:

The Labour mob loved and worshipped him, in what was more religious festival than traditional conference.

I’m assuming, and please correct me if I’m wrong, that you are a journalist and as such, you choose your words carefully. I have also heard you often repeat that you are impartial. By choosing to refer to legitimate delegates to a party conference as a ‘mob’ you have shown that you are definitely not impartial, you have allowed your personal beliefs to get in the way of your journalism.  There are many other words you COULD have chosen,

The Labour delegates,

Labour Party members,

Even, the Labour faithful, if you wanted to imply partisan behaviour.

But instead you decided to use the term,

The Labour mob.

Dear Mr Peston,

I am not part of a ‘Mob’ nor (in case you were planning on using the term) do I belong to a ‘gang’. I am a (now) proud member of the Labour Party. Please do not use such language when referring to me and those hundreds of thousands of members like me.

What you saw was not religious fervour, it was something not seen in this country for many years, a resurgence of HOPE. By the tone of your piece, I’m also assuming that you see this as a curious or odd thing, do correct me if I’m wrong.

I find people believing in hope a positive thing, but then again, what do I know?

I’m not an esteemed ITV journalist, I’m just a curious onlooker, turned participant in the political landscape of Britain.

I would also like to take exception to some other things in your post.

You wrote:

But truthfully these shifts are easier to see in the rear view mirror than through the front windscreen. 

Actually, these shifts are remarkably easy to spot, if you are looking in the right place. I, myself, spotted the paradigm shift starting back in 2015 and I wrote about it in July 2016, once I had established without a doubt that it was happening.

I wrote:

“I believe the Paradigm is shifting.

By this I mean the societal Paradigm is shifting, dragging the political paradigm along with it. This may be all wishful thinking on my part, but I think I might be at least partially right about this.

The last shift of this size culminated with Thatcher. I believe her period of governance issued the end of the Community and the rise of the Individual.

Collectively, as a society, we began a period of celebration of the individuals, the entrepreneurs, the idea that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps and make a success in life.

The pinnacle of success was seen through the veil of money. The more you had, the more you showed.

Hedonism and excess were the watch-words of the late 80s/early 90s.

Now, I believe we are shifting back from Individual to Community.

By community, I don’t mean that we’ll all be living in communes, wafting patchouli and dancing naked around fires.

I mean that we have gone as far as we can with this idea that all you have to do is decide to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and you can create a successful life.

More and more we are becoming aware of the various inequalities.”

Please find the full post here: It’s a Paradigm Shift…

So, yes, Mr Peston, if one exists in the South East media bubble, with the accepted view of society echoing constantly around, of course you missed it. I, however, was in the long-abandoned North West of England, seeing the results of government policy first hand. Speaking and listening to people, because I’m a chatty sort.

Another part of your post I would like to dispute, is the idea that

“He thinks the mountain, the British people, have at last migrated to him – that the huge surge Labour enjoyed in the election was just the start, not a flash in the pan of a dire Tory campaign

I believe that he is indeed correct in his thinking and you are very definitely wrong to suggest that it is a flash in the pan brought about by a dire Tory campaign.

Yes, the Tory campaign was dire, but to attribute Corbyn’s success solely to that is to deny what is actually going on in the wider country.

I would suggest to you, it was due to election rules and a decent Manifesto. In my article “Who Knew?!” I wrote:

“When May called the election, I wandered around telling everyone that under normal circumstances Labour should win. Closer to the election I realised it was likely to be a hung parliament, because the campaign period was much shorter this time. People laughed at me!

The morning of the election, I cheered up some of the campaign team for my local MP, by explaining, in detail, how a hung parliament was a foregone conclusion.

(In my model, I was looking for wins in the Tories heartland. I ignored Scotland, because I didn’t know enough about Scottish politics to hazard a guess.

Scotland shocked me, until I remembered that Kezia Dugdale distanced herself completely from Corbyn and requested that he not campaign there. Idiotic!)

People will attribute Corbyn’s Labour turnaround to his ‘improved media handling’ or a change in his approach.

This is nonsense.

He grew in confidence, yes, but that is not why he was successful. He was successful because, for the first time, the press had to give him ‘the floor’. Up until the start of the campaign, the public were only allowed to view Corbyn through a veil of the media’s making, the media showed the public their version of Corbyn.

Election rules meant that the veil was lifted and the public experienced the man himself.

Once that happened, it was a forgone conclusion. He exudes authenticity and integrity. People naturally respond to that. Given a normal length election cycle, it would have been a labour landslide…”

You are welcome to read the full article here if you would like to educate yourself on the view outside your South East Media bubble/echo chamber.

So, dear Mr Peston,

Feel free to share your views, but be honest.

Admit that your views are coloured by your personal opinions and formed in a narrow South-East bubble.

And until you learn to choose IMPARTIAL LANGUAGE, do not presume to describe yourself as an IMPARTIAL JOURNALIST.


30 thoughts on “Dear Mr Peston

    1. Well done, he’s again going down the Conservatives media route, the sooner there’s another election (before 2020) the sooner the journalists might just get back to impartiality,Although the gravy train will not be looking so good.
      Even if and a big if, the Tories do win again, it will be a hung parliament and they won’t have DUP to fall back on(if they do this time). Preston and co Will be doing U turns galore.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d be looking forward to 10+ years of media slanted in our favour, rather than impartiality, to be honest. I know it’s wrong, but at the moment any reason to stick it to the Tories is good enough for me. And, since most of the media is pro-Tory, it’d make sense to sack a load of them and ensure the narrative is ours for the foreseeable.

        The Tory narrative has turned the working class in on itself and had them thinking that if they work really hard they can have a piece of the pie. We all know this is rubbish. You can’t get your head above the water when there’s a boot on it.

        There are, unfortunately, a lot of people in the UK that simply don’t think for themselves and believe what they read in the papers or see on the TV, which i why there are people out there who think Corbyn is a terrorist sympathiser, and don’t know that May personally meets with despots to sell them weapons to use on their own people.

        It’s high time the narrative is ours, that public ownership is praised not rubbished, that trade unions are given power back, that federalism is given a chance, that councils and local authorities are given back power.

        The time of “The Individual” is over. It’s time, again, for “The Community”.

        People will see. When we all get better off at the expense of the rich and ruling class, they’ll see.

        Liked by 3 people

  1. Ah Amanda, you’ve got to give him credit for not mentioning the cult of Corbyism bit. But the rest was par for the course of British journalists, who appear frightened of something they can’t control.
    Brilliant reply by the way, congratulations.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well said. I sat behind Mr Peston in a conference fringe event this week at which various speakers – including Richard Burgon, Diane Abbott, Rebecca Long-Bailey and John McDonnell set out a clearly defined vision of ‘Winning for Labour – How We End Tory Austerity’ to a packed room.
    Mr Peston heard the same words as the rest of us – words that resonated with delegates because we are all already on board. We cheered because we were hearing policies and pledges spoken from the top table which put the real will of the people front and centre. The will of the millions of people who need a decent wage, who fear for children’s mental wellbeing, who work tirelessly in straitened conditions in the NHS the Tories are shaking to its foundations, who make agonising decisions in apportioning insufficient budgets in local government…
    Mr Peston heard all of this and still did not see the light. He did not feel the powerful resonance of agreement between delegates and ministers. He did not recognise that the Labour Party has at last attained and declared unified support of its (twice) elected leader.
    Mr Peston needs to get with the programme or cease to comment!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. IMHO Journalists have become lazy. Even though there has been no end of scandals and injustices in the past 10 years, the idea that they should, god forbid, investigate and do some old fashioned actual reporting is just unheard of. Far easier to sensationalise and demonise… now they’re getting worried, because people have stopped listening and revering them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If you experience the world primarily with your head then those who primarily experience it through the heart can seem gullible and brainwashed at worst, unfathomable at best. Most tories are mind led. Survival and self- interest are the order of the day. Corbyn has fallen into alignment with the rising tide of heart centred politics. Peston, Kuennsberg and their ilk are cynics. They’ll never understand it.

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    2. Rebecca Long-Bailey is my MP, I went out campaigning for her and thoroughly enjoyed myself doing phone banking at home on my sofa, using the app, it was brilliant. Never have I felt so enthused about politics…

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  3. Lucky you having Rebecca for your MP, I have Craig Whitaker…nough said!! That was an excellent reply to Peston’s diatribe Amanda, well done. He like many others in his profession remind me of so many MP’s in New Labour who had grown indolent and sterile in their trance like neon liberalist existence and are fearful of upsetting their corporate masters…tough.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Excellent piece, and one the Peston should read, and perhaps do some learning ! His blinkered narrow view of politics is like so many of these impartial, so called, journalists, whose main aim is to carry and promote the Tory flag at all costs. They can’t imagine a society which is fairer for all.

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    1. If you have read the full article, you can see that I’m not suggesting he should do anything of the kind. I simply decided to start pointing out the pernicious use of the snide terminology and the South East media bubble nonsense narrative that we are all supposed to accept as fact. Also, I’m not going to ignore these things just because his post wasn’t out and out attacking, like some serf thanking their master because he’s stopped beating them.

      Liked by 1 person

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